
Isabella's campaign blog for her 2040 Presidential run

Friday, July 07, 2006

"Make Cupcakes Not War!"

Hi. My name is Isabella. I am 5. Let me tell you why I want to be president. Click Here. Or you can listen to my Daddy talking about my campaign on National Public Radio's Marketplace.

Here are some more reasons to vote for me...I just graduated from Kindergarten and learned:

1. Play nice 2. Don't cheat 3. Help out without being asked 4. Raise your hand before you talk 5. Share with everybody 6. Don't lie 7. No yelling 8. No fighting 9. Pick up after yourself 10. Don't take things that aren't yours.

I think I know all of the important stuff. Please support me and my campaign for President in 2040. I only need $1 Billion to win. Please buy a Cupcake Campaign T-shirt, coffee mug or bumper sticker now! Or you can donate here:

If you don't have any money, that's OK. Just be sure to make some cupcakes and send them to President Bush with a note that says "Make Cupcakes, Not War!"

President George W. Bush, The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20500.

Because cupcakes make everybody happy!


Your friend,


p.s. Click here to read a story about my campaign in the Vallejo Times Herald or listen to their podcast.


  • At 3:22 PM, Blogger Steve said…

    Great idea! Isabella Lamb for President in 2040!

  • At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am happy to endorse Isabella for President 2040 though I think she will need more than $1billion dollars to run. I do not have money to contribute but I would be happy to serve as the Secretary of Education. By that time I will have over 30-years of experience in the field and have worked my way up the DC power-social scene.

  • At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Isabella! I heard your dad on Marketplace and I think the two of you are really on to something. I for one am voting with my mouth-- cupcakes for all! Good luck with the campaign.

  • At 3:52 PM, Blogger Jenna said…

    I support Isabella Lamb for President!

  • At 3:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Fabulous Idea. Implementing cupcakes should have been thought of AGES ago as a way of promoting peace. Something both Democrats and Repulicans and I dare say even Ralph Nader all like are cupcakes.


  • At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It is great to see some one willing to take a road less traveled. Best of luck, you've already got my vote.

  • At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Isabella,
    Just heard your dad on the radio. If i'm still around in 2040, you've got my vote.
    I am impressed with your leadership qualities. You're an inspiration and I plan to share your website with my (very handsome) nine year old son, Jacob.

  • At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Isabella, on the off chance you choose not to run for President (although I can't imagine why), what will you do with the money you raise? Charity?
    Big party? Pony? Donate to somebody else's campaign?

    Just wondering.

    Best of luck,


  • At 3:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Cupcakes are great...everybody can agree on cupcakes. But I have a couple of tough questions...what are your positions on afternoon naps and having to go to bed in the summertime before it's dark? Mike, Portland, ME

  • At 4:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If I'm still alive in 2040 (I'll be 91), Isabella will be my candidate. You go, girl!!

  • At 4:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Isabella! I also heard your dad on Marketplace. First of all, I want to say that it sounds like you have a great dad with a fabulous long-term financial strategy. I would like to participate in your cupcake- proliferation campaign, but I face two major stumbling blocks. The primary problem is that I don't know how to make cupcakes. Secondly, I can imagine that cupcakes probably take a while to bake in the oven. I have a gas oven, and the cost to operate it for more than 30 minutes is out of my budget constraints. Perhaps you could post a special Isabella cupcake recipe that uses a solar oven or some other affordable energy source. Regardless, you have my full support and I look forward to following your journey to the White House!

  • At 4:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    just heard your dad on NPR
    i won't be around in 2040 but i'll pass on my endorsement of your candidacy to my heirs.
    i hope a bazillion cupcakes arrive at the White House.

  • At 4:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Isabella:

    I heard your dad's segment on

    NPR - Marketplace :

    I am an engineer who is starting up my own company: Soliton Hedge Fund

    You are exclusively invited to visit us
    and see the future of US democracy take shape. :) ( abstract view only )
    [ 60 pgs ++ ]

    I guess we have something in common. :)
    Good luck on your campaign, and
    don't give up !

    If you have any questions or advice,
    please feel free to contact me.



    Chief Design Engineer @
    Soliton Hedge Fund

  • At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Isabella. Perhaps you could consider me for a running mate. I'm five, too. I love cupcakes, and I think sharing is very important. I've been pondering some other weighty issues as well, including "No throwing toys," and "Be nice to your sister and brother." Perhaps we could address these together.

    My Mom heard your dad on the radio, and you have our full support.

    Your friend, Natalie

  • At 4:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Isabella,

    I (too) heard your dad on Marketplace on NPR this evening on my way home, and I think the two of you are definitely on to something! I hope there's still a country here to run in 2040, and if there is, and I'm still around, you can count on my vote.

    Just out of curiosity, do you have a favorite cupcake flavor? My daughter (also 5) likes chocolate, but I prefer white or yellow cake.

    Good luck with the fundraising!


  • At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Isabelle, Good Luck on your campaigne.

    I have always thought that if it is so easy for candidates to raise so much money to run for office they should be willing to give half of it toward an issue that the support. For example if the candidate says he wants to wipe out homelessness he should be willing to give half of his funds raised to a national group is building homes to house homeless families. Lets stop talking about it and do something about it.

    Maybe by the time you get to be president you can do something about that.

  • At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Keep up the good work Isabella! Rob

  • At 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Isabella,
    I fully expect to continue hearing great things from you.
    It will be nice to finally vote for a candidate that whose career I have had the opportunity to follow.
    Kind Regards,
    Rae in Houston

  • At 5:06 PM, Blogger Joel said…

    Heard ya on Tv
    Keep up the great work

  • At 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Isabella you have my vote. I'll give to your campaign. Going to buy lots of your stuff. Goodluck & keep it up!

  • At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    You're my pick for 2040! Sign me up for the bakesale!

    -(An avid, loyal and committed NPR listener from Oklahoma)

  • At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I also heard about the Cupcake Campaign on NPR this afternoon & was surprised 1) that I remembered to look up & 2) that there really was a website! I think this is a great idea & if I'm still around in 2040 you've got my vote!

  • At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As a Canadian, I would love to send you down a few dollars (we call them loonies) but I am afraid to do so. Preferring cupcakes to weapons sound dangerous. Are you sure that you are not a terrorist.

  • At 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Isabella la Magnifica:
    I have known you since we lifted you up and blessed you into the universe some five years ago. Your campaign is the most wonderful of all the wonderful ideas you will be spinning off between now and 2040. I probably won't be around to vote for you, but just know that I'll buy all the cupcakes I can until then. Go for it, beautiful Isabella!
    Your friend,

  • At 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You Rock!
    I just picked up some campaign gear from cafepress, but I agree you need a paypal link or something for those folks who just want to send cash. My husband and I are moving to Canada, but hopefully with our dual residency we can still vote in 2040.
    Peace through single serving cake - I love it!
    Never give up or give in,

  • At 9:56 PM, Blogger Deb said…

    Hi everyone!
    Isabella here (via Mommy my co-campaign manager and typist)!

    Thanks for all your posts!
    I love them all - as does my Daddy & all my Grandparents!

    The best part of my day today was hearing my name on the radio and going out for ice cream tonight to celebrate the launch of my campaign!

    I'd like to take a moment to answer my fan mail now:
    1. My favorite cupcakes are vanilla. Thank you for asking.

    2. Yes, I'd love a pony as an alternative to a Presidential Campaign but i think Mommy & Daddy would probably prefer to take me to DC to see my new home instead (where they hope to live in their old age).

    3. My policy on napping is a definite: YES! Since I'm starting First Grade in a few weeks, I'm happy to report that I no longer need to take a nap. But my little sister, who's 3, must take one - as should all 3 year olds I think.

    4. Natalie: thanks for your post - i would love to consider you for a running mate - however I am told by my managers that my little sister will be my running mate. If she chooses to be a Rock Star tho - the position is all yours!

    5. To the 9 year old Jacob who's Mom posted here earlier - You're a little old for me right now - but let's talk again in 11 years?!

    Thanks for all the support everyone...keep the comments coming!!

    Peace & Love...
    Isabella Lamb
    (and Mommy)

  • At 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Isabella, you've got a good idea and you're a sweet girl. If cupcakes could solve the world's problems in place of war, though, we'd have gorged on pastries for most of the last two thousand years. Cupcakes don't stop bad people from committing evil. Sometimes nothing does except killing them, and that's when violence is necessary. Most normal people don't leap to war as the solution to a problem but sometimes there are no other legitimate options. It's up to you to determine, as you grow up and develop your moral character, whether or not President Bush's war was one of those times.

  • At 12:26 AM, Blogger Steve said…

    Hey Isabella,

    It is me again (your first commenter). Could you offer a "Isabella Lamb for President in 2040" bumper sticker? I would love to get your name out there soon.

  • At 4:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Isabella's Mommy. This is Johnny Cupcakes' Mommy. We need to speak. Please contactt me asap. Very important.

    Thank you.

    Lorraine Earle

  • At 6:48 AM, Blogger Deb said…

    Hi First Commenter Steve - that's a great idea for a bumper sticker - I can't believe my Campaign Managers didn't think of it already - I'll get them on it right away - please check back mid next week to see your idea unfold!!!
    Future President Isabella
    Make Cupcakes Not War

  • At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hmmm, if I eat enough cupcakes by the time I'm 70 in 2040, I'll probably be sick w/ diabetes and have no Medicare or Social Security. The market will certainly crash once the baby boomers remove their retirement funds, so that will take my 401k as well. What are your thoughts on that, little girl!!!???

  • At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If I'm still alive when you run you have my vote!

  • At 1:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Another good slogan is "Arms are for hugging" but you would have to credit Shel Silverstein for it.

  • At 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    tell the guy who said that he would be 70 in 2040 and Vertigo25 that you are not the President..yet..and that they should hold all such questions until you are. You can also tell Vertigo25 that there is a difference between parental exploitation of their children and parental support of their children's dreams.

    In the mean-time...enjoy being a little girl..because once you become President, you'll have people taking cheap shots at you all of the time.

    Think about how stupid the average person is, and then realize that half of them are even more stupid than that.

  • At 3:02 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    If some guy can trade one red paper clip for a house, the isn't anything possible? If nothing else, you all have created dialogue (and website traffic) which are great achievements. The world may starve if we didn't have food for thought. Keep up the good work!

    P.S. I'm available to offer assistance. Have your people call my people (my people would be me @ 513-235-3357).
    Feel free to review my online resumes (in various locations - see links below) for further consideration. Sure I'd work for a five year old if the pay is good, and of course depending upon the quality of cupcakes!

  • At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hola amiga Isabella: go for it, muy bien ya sabes todo lo basico para ser un buen presidente. Ademas lo que aprendiste en La Casita de conservar y salvar la tierra y los animales es muy necesario para ser un buen presidente y preservar nuestro globo terraqueo. Con carino tu maestra que quiera, Zamahara

  • At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    tu maestra que te quiere y apoya, Mi voto para ti si aun estoy viva en 2040 y que viva la paz. Zama

  • At 1:00 AM, Blogger Phil Shapiro said…

    this campaign is a breath of fresh air. i'm on board.

  • At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Isabella,
    My name is Alexander R. and would like to congratulate you on your presidential bid. I will be 4 years old in December. I'm willing to work very hard on your campaign to be a member of your cabinet (after my naps, playtime, mealtimes, walking-my-dog-time and schoool). By the year 2040 I'll have the background to be a great Secretary of State, Attorney General or your Chief of Staff (according to my dad). I could also make a very good Chief Justice (so I can amend the constitution to ban chores for kids under 45 years of age) But what I'd like most of all so I don't have to work so much is to be the First Husband. I'll make sure our fruit ponch and chocolate milk parties are the best since my mom is teaching me how to make a mean fruit ponch and some cupcakes (I'm currently taking little cooks 101). According to the polls (I asked 3 kids), 66% say we will carry all 5 electoral votes of the state of Nevada.

    Yours truely,
    Alexander R.
    First Husband to be

  • At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I'm behind you 100%. I've bought my coffee mug, which I trust will give a big boost to your campaign.

    Keep up the great work!

    Dan of YouthNOISE

  • At 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Isabella,

    My Dad and I pray every night asking for peace, an end to suffering, and for people who do and say bad things to get better and feel happier. I think we want the same things. And I love cupcakes too. What's your favorite ice cream? Who do you think is stronger, Batman or Spiderman? My favorite movie this week is Laurel & Hardy's "Son of the Dessert." I like it when they say, "two peas in a pod."

    Your friend,
    Binh (5 years old)

  • At 7:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think this is tha silliest idea I've ever heard...For a parent 2 decide what their child is gonna do in 35 yrs. is absolutly rediculous. and a woman being president is even more silly. find another way to skim money off the american people rather than try this sham of an idea

  • At 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Isabella,

    My two daughters, Caitlin and Ruth, think your cupcakes not war campaign is cute.

    However, they're not ready to buy anything from you or to give you money -- yet. Since she was about 6, Caitlin, my 9 year old, has been giving some of her allowance money to agencies that help people in our town. As part of doing that, she likes to find out from these places how her money is going to really help people. She can't find out on your website how sending you any money or buying your shirts is going to help people -- between now and 2040.

    Can you explain that? In your words?

    Otherwise, our family will all probably be sending cupcakes to President Bush to stop the war. I wonder what his favorite flavor is? That might be a good research question for you in first grade.

    Good luck.

  • At 12:37 PM, Blogger Toby said…

    Is this a joke?

  • At 12:37 PM, Blogger Toby said…

    No, seriously. Is this a joke?

  • At 1:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    even then america won't be ready for a woman president. but at least you found a way to pay for college tuition when you are older.

  • At 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Go Girl, and you have fun changing the world for the better! An Administration based on your principles would be a true breath of fresh air for the world.

  • At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great idea, Isabella! However, you are far too talented and warm-hearted to simply be the president. I'd hate to see such a promising young idealist like yourself eaten by the American political machine. Aim higher, little sister! The streets are yours for the taking.

  • At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What happens with the extra money if Isabella doesn't make a billion dollars?

  • At 10:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Isabella, although we've never met (your Mom was pregnant with you last time I saw her/you), I think you are uniquely qualified to run for the highest office in the land. In fact, I think you have the makings of a new party--The Cupcake Party--not to be confused with The Nutcake Party which seems to be running things nowadays. From this day forward I will eat wheat germ milkshakes with extra spirulina. I will practice three hours of pilates and/or bikram yoga per day, take Geritol, and read my entire backlog of New Yorkers and National Geographics with the hope that I can prolong my consciousness on this sacred Earth for the day when you take your rightful place on the throne.

  • At 10:13 AM, Blogger Megan said…

    I congratulate your PR savy, but the idea isn't exactly logical.

    Have you found out what flavor terrorists prefer? Chocolate, vanilla, sprinkles? Are sprinkles halal?

    I'm sure if you offer a terrorist a cupcake they won't force you to wear a burka.

    This kind of child like naivety is what is wrong with liberal so called "peace" activists.

    I hope you grow up to live in the real world.

  • At 9:56 PM, Blogger Paul Lamb said…

    Dear Ms. Megan:

    You sound very sad, so I am making a special vanilla cupcake with sprinkles for you. That's my favorite.

    I hope when you grow up you are not sad and angry anymore.

    Hugs and cupcakes!


  • At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Isabella,
    I'm Eli, Lily's brother. Have a good time running for president. By the way, I am thinking about running against you if I can think of something as yummy as cupcakes to offer the voters. I can't believe you have your own website! Oh, and I love the t-shirts!

    Eli J., 8 yrs. old

  • At 6:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 12:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 10:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 12:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    War is not fun but sometimes needs to be fought. Joining the military is true selfless service to your country. (7 Core Army Values)

  • At 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    just a little mistake- President Obama is who you should be sending cupcakes to now! Bush is long gone!

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